Dear Bassi

Posted on December 25, 2014

Photo courtesy of  my partner Amr Tahtawi
It is time for my end of year reflection. The only exercise that really puts things into perspective for me. The time I sit with myself and evaluate how things have gone for me the past 12 months. A few days ago I came across an article that actually suggested writing a letter to yourself where you pour your heart out about you from an outsider's point of view. That sounded a little crazy for me and here I am getting even crazier by sharing this letter online for everyone to see!

Dear Bassi, 
I know I never really dedicated major time to write to you before. We've been talking on daily basis, but in the rush of everyday, there is a lot that we tend to overlook, miss and ignore.
Let me just start by saying that you have come a long way - although I know that you rarely give yourself the credit. But believe it or not, you are doing better than you think!
You have been able to learn from many of your past mistakes and you actually applied what you learned on many occasions and in many situations. That's an accomplishment, girl!
Not only that, you have also stepped out of your comfort zone in several areas - you had the courage to step forward and do things that are completely new to you, leaving your fears behind. And it was worth it!  
Great job with recognizing your priorities and even more importantly realizing that you need to say "NO" more often without feeling a hint of guilt.
I know that you always think that you are lagging behind. Whether this is true or not, the important thing is that you are on the move. Maybe slower than you wish to be but you never stop, and that is not bad at all.
Now that you know what you've been doing right, here are a few pointers for you to consider for the next year..
Photo courtesy of  my partner Amr Tahtawi
Just stop worrying too much - don't give your racing thoughts the pleasure of controlling your moods and reactions. Things are never really as bad as they are in your head. Breathe.
Never lose trust in God. Always remember that He has the power to guide you to the best and turn things around for you. Seek only Him. Trust Him. 
Love more. Give more. Expect less. Try. 
Be at peace with yourself. Love yourself more. 
Remember that you own no one and nothing!  
Don't try to change anyone - you can only inspire others to change. So start with yourself, focus more on yourself and the rest will follow. 
Learn to deal with frustration and stress. Find a way! 
Always remember how powerful you are.
Appreciate and be grateful for those special people in your life. Never take them for granted.  
Pay more attention to your health and body. Move more. Eat better. 
Work on your discipline. It will change your life!  
Work on strengthening your memory!
Follow and push through your goals. Don't procrastinate. 
Take chances. Laugh more. Meditate more. Write more. 
Be grateful every minute of the day and remember how lucky you are.

Photo courtesy of Ahmed Ona

  1. Very deep and self reflective revelations and honesty we can all relate too, way to go basbousa and remember the best is yet to come. Thanks for sharing your private letter with us :)

  2. I love it, can't agree more with the part that you inspire others 😘

  3. Love it basbooosa so true and deep.... I love every word.. Keep Bloosming dear ❤️❤️❤️
